The adhesive is very convenient to apply, and thanks to its use, assembly is much easier. It significantly speeds up the execution of works, because the initial grip occurs after 60 seconds, and full hardening is achieved after 24 hours from application.
How to use:
- Shake the container 20-30 times to homogenize the contents
- Connect the can with the foam applicator
- Apply the glue with a braid of 3 cm to the glued surface around the perimeter with a distance of about 2 cm from its edge and in the case of large surfaces, such as boards, in a zigzag pattern along the middle of the board. Leave about 5 cm gap in the braids
- brick walls, hollow bricks, silicate blocks
- plasterboards, OSB boards
- concrete, plaster
- Wood, metals, polystyrene, XPS boards, hard PVC and rigid PUR foams
- Available capacity: 750ml
- Basic binding after 60 seconds
- Full cure after 24 hours
- Expiration date 24 months (use before the date stated on the package)
- Keep out of reach of children
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin
- Use in well-ventilated areas
- Do not breathe product vapours
- Do not use naked flames when using the product